Sunday, August 24, 2008


A few weeks ago, my eyes were opened in my thinking about how big God is and how big His love is. In the midst of this an idea was shared and my mind has been provoked. I attend a yoga class on Monday nights led by an incredibly smart, free spirited, organic woman. She is an incredible instructor and keeps us laughing, even while in down dog. She shared a few weeks ago about the company she is developing and some of the thinking within it. The company has been created to encourage people to give back to the planet. By encouraging people to go green and being eco-friendly, as well as by loving yourself and those in your life. The "plus one theory" is behind it. Plus one, because each time you would give in some way or make a better decision for you and the world around you points will be rewarded. I don't think I believe in a points system (for this company I do and I love the idea). But I do think we can all "plus one".

This is a concept I have been trying in my own life. I don't want to earn points, but I do want to change the world. Just because we are small or just one person doesn't mean we can't make a difference. In fact maybe changing the world starts with yourself.

I believe God is always molding and changing us. Especially if we open ourselves up to that and let His love in and really learn to respect who He has created us to be. Then what will over flow from our lives?


It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you believe. We can all love. I think that is how we can "plus one". I also don't think it has to be huge. Maybe you are a 20% tipper at restaurants or you hold the door for someone or you just let someone know they mean a lot to you or you smile at a random stranger. But the idea of "plus one" just needs to become a habit. Once a day to start can change the way you live. But it can also start to change in the world around you.

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