Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a very big person. In fact I've heard about every short joke you could come up with. I am so finite, which I have realized so much more recently than I have in a long time or maybe ever. But this isn't about me being short.

I watched a video online about two weeks ago and I can't get it out of my head. The video is showing the view of a city and from that moving to the size of the world compared to the galaxies of all outer space. What I realized while watching was how finite I am. Think about it. I am here on earth, little me and you with millions of others all over the place, with more going on on this planet that is floating in space than we can even fathom. That is huge. But not really. We are only one planet in one galaxy.I don't really know or understand a lot about space, but I do know it is big. And He's got the whole world in his hands. He has it all in the palm of His hands. I mean really think about it.

What has taken me back the most this week is that the God who is that big, who can hold the world in His hands, knows me. Every breath I take, every thought, every hair on my head, and every tear I shed. Me, He knows me. And He doesn't just know me that big, He has a love that big. He is so infinite. I am just little finite me. One little part of this crazy world.

There is so much more I want to get to but I have to stop here. I want you to really think about it. Do you know how loved you are? Do you know how much you mean to the Creator of the Universe? I pray you are overwhelmed. Think about it like a child. Be amazed. I know this sounds simple and silly. And if I could I would take you by the shoulders and look you in the eyes and tell you, because I want you to realize the love of our Creator. Look outside. Look around you, He is so big. We are so small.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow Jess... for some reason i really needed that this week. thanks :)