Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have had a really rough time thinking clearly the last week or so. My mind has been all over, not one thing has stuck in my head for very long. Which is kinda a nice break. But I miss that...Perhaps soon you will get something worth reading on here, but for this afternoon, my randomness.

  • I have had one CD in for over a week now. I can't stop listening to it. I consider changing it, but even that makes me miss it. So I'll keep listening until I really can't stand it. Ever go through phases like that? I have even done it with one song...
  • To make that more random, Damien Rice is the only thing I really want to be listening to, but that isn't the cd I have had in. His lyrics seem to be the only ones "meaningful" enough for my random deep thoughts this week.
  • Yoga does make me feel partly like a hippy. But it also makes me realize how strong I am. And I am strong. Strong than I knew.
  • Words can change your world. Maybe that's why Damien is so amazing this week. I love the words. But not just the lyric kind of words. I mean the everyday stuff. The words spoken that stick with you, good or bad. I'm dealing with some old bad ones and wonder if the person who spoke them has any amount of remorse. I doubt it, in fact I almost know it. Which makes it harder to unpack.
  • I'm over excited for the next season of the Amazing Race to begin. I mean I mostly feel like a dork because I'm so excited. I decided it is because I love to live vicariously through these people racing for an hour every week. I want to race around the world! And perhaps my life doesn't have enough adventure, so I find it on the Race for now.

Enough said for now...I hope this didn't totally bore you and you decide to come back. But this is all I could muster up for your reading pleasure today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! I had no idea that the Amazing Race was starting again!!! I am going to find out the info for it online...and then maybe you and I can have weekly chats about how the episodes went and what our "team" is for the season (or week). =D I have a thought and this is how it goes: YOU + ME = AMAZING RACE TEAM. huh? yeah? I vote yes. ;)
Love you and miss you. I have also officially decided that I crave talking and living life with you. And I think it should happen more often. You are full of wisdom Jess, more than you give yourself credit for. :)

><> Jenni <><

P.S. I am glad you found my new blog. Like the title? ;) Sorry it is not even started yet. But in due time. In due time.