Monday, December 8, 2008

I don't know.

I don't really know what to write about. Life has been crazy and so much of it will stay in my mind for a bit. Oh the thinker I am.

I will say that life is full of learning. I feel like I'm stumbling into the great unknown. So much of life is untouched territory and each I step a bit more into that territory. I love the "lessons". I can't pin point them, but I know I'm learning and growing. You can't replace that.

I have to remind myself daily that I can't fix all the problems of the world. Nor can I hold them inside me. It is far to big of a burden to carry...

Crying is good for me. I need that release.

I wish time away often. But thinking back on the last bit of time that I wanted to go so quickly I wouldn't change it. I needed it. I'm learning from it and want it to be part of my life.

Oh the unknown. Sometimes I hate. Today I love it.

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