Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Monday I ventured out and instead of book shopping I went make-up and bra shopping (just what all my male readers need to hear about. haha).

I have realized the older I get the more important it is to take care of my skin properly. I have always done well in taking care of my skin (I could share my nightly routine to prove that, but I won't bore you), but I have never spent much money in taking care of my skin either. I will just buy whatever make-up I can find at Target that works, not what is the best for my skin. After talking with some friends and changing some different products in my lovely routine I decided one of the last steps in that change is my make-up. So I ventured out to Ulta, which in any girly girls world is an awesome place to shop, fulfilling every beauty need.:)

I had done plenty of research before heading out on my shopping adventure (for I found that is a good use of my time...this week), so headed to right what I was looking for when I entered the store. I looked through everything I had read about online and then really decided to push myself to the edge and ask for advice from, the what I thought was lovely, ladies that work there. I stood in line for several minutes before the lady told me that she was busy and would be over to help me in just a minute. 20 minutes later I'm still standing there waiting. I went back to the counter and the woman barely remembered me and that I had been waiting so long for help. She was still too busy to help me and called the manager. The manager, an older woman, and very well kept answered my few questions, but really did nothing to help me. She was short and rude with me, making my shopping experience less then what it should have been.

I then ventured a few doors down to Victoria. I do love that store and the products. In fact I have one particular bra I love from there and they discontinued making it, with no replacement. After shopping online before I went in I found a few that I thought would be about the same or worth a shot at trying on.

Perhaps I was wrong...When talking with the young woman at Victoria I asked about what I had seen online to replace my favorite bra. She said they don't carry that one in stores and I could order it online. I told her I was unsure of my size and didn't want to do that and asked if they had any others similar to what I had and was looking for. Point blank she told me no, that I was out of luck. Well, let me tell you, I wasn't looking for anything that out of the ordinary, but she was short and rude. Didn't offer to help me find something or to measure me. Nothing.

The point of all this being, I experienced the same type of service at similar stores twice in one day. Both experiences at stores that are trying to boost the image of woman, to meet whatever high bar society says we should meet. They have it all wrong. Mostly with their attitudes. Those stores are there to serve us. They should meet us where we are at and encourage about our image, not make us feel worse like we will never meet the standards of the world.

I'm not the most confident woman in the world about my body, but I am ok with who I am and the image in which I was created. I feel sad for women that walk into those stores who already feel down about who they are and leave feeling worse. But I feel more for the women that work in those stores. Perhaps that is all they know of themselves or that is all they have ever heard so they take it out on the world of woman around them.

Needless to say, I will go back to both stores, but in that being very aware of how I treat those woman. We are all beautiful in our own ways. If we all looked like models we would live in a very bland world.

You are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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