Saturday, November 15, 2008

off week.

I have kinda had an off week. I have felt so uncomfortable in a way that I can't describe.

"Bad Skin Day" by Bell X1 has kinda been the song that has stuck around for the week.

I have had so much on my mind I don't even know how to begin to outward process any of it.

I have been around a lot of people that have had people in their lives leave the world this week. My heart grieves for them. How does one handle that? I don't know. Living is a gift that we take for granted.

Being told your pretty makes a difference.
And most days need hugs.

I don't understand a lot, but there is so much more I do.

Our bodies are incredible. I love learning new things about the human body. I spend a lot of time on webmd. We have so much potential within us and so rarely are we brave enough to dig deep enough to step out.

This is the most I can come up with for now. I need sleep.

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